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Showing posts from 2014

2014 In a Nutshell

                The year is about to end and let me give a year ender status report.                 This year started rough for the previous one ended so too in rough manner when the issues of the heart drowns the desperate soul. Yet not later than a 3 month space there was a comeback because such pain was unbearable and both were at loss when they were not one.                 When summer came I was faced with a challenge from work that is they wish to remove a thorn in their conservative belly. Especially when this thorn took roots upon its own and many were dying to follow. But they cannot afford their rule be questioned and challenge by a mere commoner. Thus I was booted out.                 After the fall, the vacuum came and the beauty of my isolation was disturbed and thus in bankruptcy I was forced to be recalled into my original post. A month in complete devastation of being at loss in one’s own means for survival. I started to find that means again, yet the cont

Philosophy Today

            “Obsolete” as how one person of rank said about philosophy. It was even inside a general assembly and I think that was a very bold statement from one who has no Ph.D, but an Ed.D. If I remembered it well, me, Regletto and Balotol were there, just listening. Since it was public, so many did follow that statement and use that to tease us even inside the office. Sad to say, they have ambitions to have a Ph.D or and Ed. D as well. Sometimes you wish to just explain to them, but I guess reason cannot be effective to those who do not have any. Or shall I say, the only thing they have learned in their philosophy classes is only to incant terms with “isms” so as to sound smart and conjure authority.             When I was yet in college people tend to ask me what degree am I taking and as I say to them philosophy they begin to nod in impression to hear a term that for them seemed difficult but a crucial follow up question, “what will be your job?” Maybe yes that is one good qu

23rd Revolution

                The largest of elements are akin to their smallest of components. The minute elements mixed themselves up into something complex underlying their own complexities thus we see the marvels of the giants. Yet these two, poles apart in size but they are in one perspective the same. As how they are conceived to be as orbs, so too is their behaviour. I guess it is a perfect reflection of everything; simply, one fundamental element mirrored everything into different phases but shared the same soul. Before I began to have memory, I was just part of the memory engraved in the world that has yet to unfold but was already existent before I came to see. I am one lucky stardust that has become an accident in the scheme of the world. Here I am, on my 23 rd revolution beneath countless of infinitesimal revolutions. I am one with infinity and infinity bears its mark in me.                 I am a walking form of the whole cosmos. For within me is also the cosmos and I in the cosmo


                Is this a product of envy that I am not enjoying what they are enjoying? Have I been envious seeing foreign exchange students wherein the people I know are enjoying their chances staying abroad and learning from the outside? Yes, I am feeling a little bit down that I am not experiencing what they are privileged at.  I am having one of those healthy sessions of being envy as to motivate myself.                 People are studying abroad, for what? Another good additive to their brand so as to have authority over those who did not have any? It is because there is the avenue of great minds? Why can we not make our home great by our own sustenance as how they did? Typically, we still do not have a niche on our own. We are even alien at our own language and so am I in writing this one. Yes, if they are great by their own right, therefore we can be also the problem is we over patronize what is not ours.                 People are travelling? Has travelling gone cheap

What We've Got Here is Failure to Communicate

“What we've got here is failure to communicate.” - Originally used in the movie entitled with that phrase itself, but I quoted it coming from the intro of the song Civil War by Guns and Roses                 Communication breakdown as goes one song of Led Zepplin and yes, there is a breakdown in communication and it is all because of the failure to bring the message home. Why? Where has the message gone? Did it fell to few ears? Or it did managed to scratch the drums yet it resonated nowhere inside the head. Ah yes! The message was spoken but was never heard. The ear was there but not the soul that holds the ear. We definitely have a failure in communication.                 As a teacher, I always wanted to become “The Teacher”, the one who will inspire others to continue my personal project or to abandon what I have started and begin anew or to make real to what I can only say and can never do. My noble task is to transmit knowledge, to culture critical thinking and t

Honey-Tipped Bitter Tongue

                We all are fools when it comes with the heart, because there is the need of it to be attended immediately so as the quench the insatiability of the desire. Love is in need to be felt and to be reciprocated, and there has never been a godly instance that one simply loves out from a charitable heart especially when we are speaking with the erotic. We cannot deny that we invest emotions with body signatures that crystallize the language of the heart. We all are fools to make it all happen and long for it at once.                 It is hard once we gave it all and there is that noble feel to love absent cause yet for the moment, but eventually it will all turn out to be a subconscious investment slowly getting conscious. But yes, at the height of the momentary ecstasy, one cannot feel the egoistic reason that drives one to be so affectionate and that is why in the end when things are worse within the bond, both try to salvage the self as much as possible and if not, sa

This One Goes Out to the One's Who Love

                We know that falling and being in love is one of the greatest feelings to someone who have ever existed. All the more especially when we are the object of such devotion. But I think there is a difference from a person who begins to love because he or she is lonely than a person who loves because he or she really do love. For one, to the one who felt loneliness, there is the need to love for a unconscious demand of being loved in return and that is why one tends to love to catch someone’s attention so as to be reciprocated and thus the loneliness be dispelled. But to one who simply loves without conditions brought upon neither by the other nor from one’s own circumstance, then that is truly something sincere.                 As a popular saying goes that you cannot love others without loving yourself first is indeed true. For to those who never found solitude in themselves even in times of being alone, then one is weak in handling one’s self and especially if one se

Newly Found Virtue: Prudently Silent

                Arguments have their place whether be it in the academe, politics, social issues these powerful mind boggling language statements are given much credit as a show of intellectual prowess. Yet these mental exercises are crucial to the development of science, technology, history, literature, philosophy and many more of the disciplines created by man in his conquest for truth and exercise of reason. Man is competitive and wishes to dominate and that is why there is the need to devise impenetrable logical schemes to win over the other and later on will be the maxim to be followed. Yet, reason and its arrogance also have a downfall especially when one goes towards in handling a woman. Yes, we always experience the tensions between lovers when reason will be at play and amongst boys we listen to reason, but to women it is a different game.                 Consider this as an account of my experience with my betrothed. It is already instilled in me the ideas of settling d

The Memory of the Genesis

                The sky was painted with stars as to bring light to where the sun sleeps at night and to where the moon can give enough luminescence for lovers to ignite their fire amidst the cold and in the dark. Memory tells me of two lovebirds bathing beneath the cosmic wonder while looking beneath city lights, to where the flames of romance was fiery and feisty for it was yet the genesis. Getting lost in the dark while playing in abundance the treasures set upon their hearts, they seek nothing else but the pure hour of still time to enjoy the meet of their two souls who felt home in the bosom of the other. As the night grew colder and colder, hostile to a weak body, all they have is the warmth of security and divinity upon knowing each other’s will to romantically submit to the other.                 Ah yes the hilltop to where the destiny of two persons came into existence. It has been awhile that the fates of these two are intertwined by divine musings and never has the bon

To Love is a Duty

To love is a duty; to continue loving will be forever my obligation. To promise to love her for all of time is one big vow, but every inch of honour I give not to crystallize it in a dream, but making the dream alive and not anymore a dream but something that is already lived. “Chu, I think I am in love with you.” Ah such sweet words coming from that lonely corner in a block and that rang for an eternity. “Pwede naka mu-graduate karon Joy?” and she said “YES!”, still gives me the thrill, anxiety and the excitement of the moment as how I felt it back then, but still now I am feeling the all the more in love because she is with me now, and I am hers, for that WE happened and we keep it that way. “I want you to be my lifetime partner”. All the more I felt in paradise hearing those words that seem to perpetually ring in my ears. It is been 6 months, and time is not something to brag about but is a compliment of how long we have been, but within those months are hardships that are triumpha

Flames of Mt. Sinai

                I guess we have started the fire too early. Our love was so fiery at first that we were so adventurous even if we barely knew each other, but our hearts trusted one another into the commitment of such endeavours. It has been quite awhile when things are not physical anymore and an ordinary guy seems to be fasting in this manner of which most of the times guys who fast surely would not last. I am not just a guy but a man. She loves me in how I appear and in how I am inside. She made a deal with me by giving and trusting her heart to me and for that it goes beyond physicality. Although I am slightly dismayed by the fact of such fasting but it does not matter to me, because a man who has a goal in his heart is bound to achieve it and my goal is not as fleeting as carnality but the love and the eternal companionship is what I long for. Let the flesh come to manifest soon enough when things are in there proper place and when she is in the right mind to do so.          

Reflections: Resentment and Gratitude

                I had a talk with her days ago about our situation and it made me reflect on few things and those are like - have I ever been a good partner and what kind of person I am. Sometimes I am but too blind to see my own faults and that is why I am gifted with a partner who can see through my faults and has the courage to tell me in plain words. She has been a gift to me, and I say she is my loving mirror. I may have failed but she gave me the chance to prove myself worthy again unto her, to correct my ways to love her as she is and taught me the subtle ways to be in the world. She alone tames me for I am filled with the fire of youth and idealism. She but calms me. I have been a problematic self, but she is patient enough to be with me and to see me grow and change. All a man could do is to change himself for the betterment of a relationship. Rarely do we see men sell their principles in the name of relationship, because most men cannot sell their own soul for something else

The Horizon

      I have been relieved from my duties of being a teacher due to the conflict of culture. I am guilty of not following the syllabus but I redefined it to give students a breather from the mechanized structure of the educational system. I am guilty of cursing inside the classroom and I am proud of it, since I curse when I needed to and to give emphasis. I am guilty that I discussed sex in class, but that I am legitimizing it through Freud, Russell and Alain de Botton. Why do I discuss these in the Humanities? Is it not because it is one way to liberate students from thought control? Thought control from conservatism and tradition? I applied Nietzsche and some of the critical thinkers inside the classroom. I even imbue that kind of philosophical trend through my art. I had very negative feedbacks about that, but in equal I have positive feedbacks to those who understood me. Yes, I failed in the rubrics of the administration and even caught their attention through student’s personaliz

My Classroom Set-Up and the Habermasian Hypothesis

Introduction             Communication is one vital element that keeps society intact or disintegrated.  It is by means of this that we came into relations with one another. We cannot help but communicate with one another because man is a social animal, and he needs to relate with others. Not only that, but he is also a rational animal wherein he is capable of reasoning and thoughts translated into air vibrations are what we call words and are the basic element in communication. Communication undeniably plays an important role in society.             When man first came into speech, he has no other objective in hand than to be understood by the other.  He needs to speak what he has in his head and there is the need for it since thoughts are only privative to the one who experiences but one wishes to share the same with the other. Sooner as communication then developed, so too has society developed; and as evidence of its marvel, here we have a modern society that has a bloom i