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What We've Got Here is Failure to Communicate

“What we've got here is failure to communicate.”

- Originally used in the movie entitled with that phrase itself, but I quoted it coming from the intro of the song Civil War by Guns and Roses

                Communication breakdown as goes one song of Led Zepplin and yes, there is a breakdown in communication and it is all because of the failure to bring the message home. Why? Where has the message gone? Did it fell to few ears? Or it did managed to scratch the drums yet it resonated nowhere inside the head. Ah yes! The message was spoken but was never heard. The ear was there but not the soul that holds the ear. We definitely have a failure in communication.

                As a teacher, I always wanted to become “The Teacher”, the one who will inspire others to continue my personal project or to abandon what I have started and begin anew or to make real to what I can only say and can never do. My noble task is to transmit knowledge, to culture critical thinking and to push them to make the ideals slowly become reality. Here I am, wondering if I am just another voice of the wilderness that will end up being beheaded and unheard of.

                Yes, what is indeed the basic means for me to reveal to them the ways of the artists, poets, thinkers, heroes, sages, saints or any great man is problematic because what I am facing is a potential future yet a hard rock to crack to make water gush out. Communication has always been the primary tool, yet I find it hard to reach to them maybe because of the idols in their minds that they wish not to let go and for that, they find my words nor what I meant adhesive to their sensitive skin.

                I have served my main dish, the vulgar menu of the intellectual palate yet it is a hard thing for them to chew but there are an exemplary few. Yes Archu, you bring the hammer yet the rock is solid hard or have I lost my touch and strength in breaking it? Yes, there is a failure to communicate, communication breakdown, and communication is two-way that is of the listener and the speaker. I as a speaker I am reflecting if I am doing my magic right for these ears. I have done the extreme magic before now I am finding courage to do it again with a little compromise to my basic needs.

                The crowd today is a little bit different than what was before it because they have an edge of economic status paired with rigid indoctrination without a little bit spice of challenging what they have learned, thus the result, dogmatically-elite-intelligence. A tough cake to bake, a hard nut to crack and maybe I am challenged to change my style because for the moment I am toning myself down due to some recent tragedy. If I could unleash the devil in me before, maybe I could bring the message home, but that will make me a wanderer, vagabond. Maybe “to be great is to be misunderstood” as Ralph Waldo Emerson said and if I had unleashed myself, am I sure that I could still bring the message home to such new ears? Yes! A new world is here in front me, so far, all I can say, “what we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”


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