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Newly Found Virtue: Prudently Silent

                Arguments have their place whether be it in the academe, politics, social issues these powerful mind boggling language statements are given much credit as a show of intellectual prowess. Yet these mental exercises are crucial to the development of science, technology, history, literature, philosophy and many more of the disciplines created by man in his conquest for truth and exercise of reason. Man is competitive and wishes to dominate and that is why there is the need to devise impenetrable logical schemes to win over the other and later on will be the maxim to be followed. Yet, reason and its arrogance also have a downfall especially when one goes towards in handling a woman. Yes, we always experience the tensions between lovers when reason will be at play and amongst boys we listen to reason, but to women it is a different game.

                Consider this as an account of my experience with my betrothed. It is already instilled in me the ideas of settling down, security and the like, but to my woman, that is still far yet for her age. Yes, I value her freedom to explore yet the world, but here I am valuing legacy through children, a future family and security of relationship, so much more of a cage to the so called butterfly. An early age like mine is strange to the most because of the futuristic tendencies. Some women find it hard to see most of their men are not oriented towards commitment and here I am chained to that thought.  But no matter, that kind of thinking is one of the chokeholds that I am surely using in relating with my girlfriend. I agree, it is detrimental to her, when she yet has a life to explore. Reason played so well of security and logistics only to feel itself drained trying to tame a free soul.

                Here comes the argument part. It is inevitable that there are tensions within our relationship and that is no excuse because even blood brothers or sisters carry also the same nuisance. Here then is the deal, there are times when egos are clashing and reasoning comes into play and there, the egos furthermore converge and when the stress is so much there is then the need to diverge. I for one carry the fault of overly listening to her and in her suggestions I critically slice them with the rigors of my reason and the purpose of which is to meet halfway, but that is somewhat too idealistic. Even I seeing her unconscious afflictions to me and in the consequence telling her about it in any tactical tone it seems not right to distort her carefree happy go lucky mood. So here is now the thing, when she says something, I should be quiet and I don’t have to say something negative.

                Although it is sad that when we give effort to put something serious in the relationship through talking things out (as how parents and married couples do) and in that effort of seriousness we are discarded as something distasteful. I agree, a bird is not be caged and it is my fault to impose four walls upon a delicate creature.  When we begin to argue, even though in argument I won, but there is the loss inside to making her lose. No comment on the losing side, because naturally when I lose, I accept my dilemma. But in argumentation, win or lose, I lose because I have brought her down. Now comes the futility of reason over handling that portion of the relationship, aggression and logic are hard tools to a woman and must be avoided. Again, win or lose, man lose, I lose.

                I guess, I slowly understand that in loving a woman, just let her be, when she hurts you, just don’t say anything (have the powerful heart of not minding). When something is wrong, don’t say anything for it will disrupt her mood. A prudent silence is needed to keep the peace between both. Therefore, all she must hear are the beautiful and the good (the evils willl be reserved for alone time shouting it out aloud in a mountain top). Just let her be, just let her fly through you, hurt or bothered, we are not to say anything just to keep the relationship burning. Our reason must surrender to theirs and I have to admit there is some happiness into it that when a man is joyfully on his knees at total service and respect to his woman. I find all the bowels of hell when we argue even though I win, but deep inside, I find the solitude to serve her, but I am just a mere human, I seldom cannot withstand to be silent, but to love her is to be prudently silent.

                Argument? I’ll bury that when I am faced with her. I will reserve that in the classroom and with my friends because when facing her, it is all about acceptance. As a man, I shall train myself to be prudently silent and love her and let her be, and fly. Walay titi Archu. Matod pa sa akong migo, parehas sa kaka ug sa praying mantis, kung gugma, kan.on jud ta mga laki sa babae, ug mao na atong kalipay. ^_^


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