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To Love is a Duty

To love is a duty; to continue loving will be forever my obligation. To promise to love her for all of time is one big vow, but every inch of honour I give not to crystallize it in a dream, but making the dream alive and not anymore a dream but something that is already lived. “Chu, I think I am in love with you.” Ah such sweet words coming from that lonely corner in a block and that rang for an eternity. “Pwede naka mu-graduate karon Joy?” and she said “YES!”, still gives me the thrill, anxiety and the excitement of the moment as how I felt it back then, but still now I am feeling the all the more in love because she is with me now, and I am hers, for that WE happened and we keep it that way. “I want you to be my lifetime partner”. All the more I felt in paradise hearing those words that seem to perpetually ring in my ears. It is been 6 months, and time is not something to brag about but is a compliment of how long we have been, but within those months are hardships that are triumphantly won over. Our fights are now but footnotes in our affair, they have taught us to understand each other, grow more in maturity, the issues behind are now at the back of our heads locked in that box where we never now feel the pains but we have already learned from them and by stroke of our efforts did we moved on, moved along together and thus we have become mature. Amidst the troubled waters, we are slowly learning how to sail in this stormy sea together on the same boat until we reach that precious of events they call marriage and then to continue sailing across time and space holding each other’s hands in that boat until we can fly across the skies carefree, sharing our love, the same ever growing love beyond our graves. “Archuleta the Great and Lady Batiancila”, forever sailing on the same boat. But happily do I call her mine and for that she proudly wore my surname the other day, not only as a piece of clothing but something that she will wear as her identity throughout time. The kisses that I could never forget, the passion we share on those intimate moments, enjoying the passions of our hearts driven by love. Even those times when we simply never forget ourselves in our true nature, simply . . .. We have now been comfortable facing each other’s parents and kind, well maybe I could say, it’s a step short next to marriage I say. ^_^

Her letters that seem to tickle me in happiness once I read them again,  and how much more I was when I received it at first hand. Simply the joy I feel is immeasurable, simply I am Joy-Full. Full of Joy I am. Our facebook chats that ends in dawnie-dawnies plus comment poetry in profile pictures, ninja moves after classess, hiding in the dark and in the corner moves. Smiling across the rooms and stealing staring moments at each other, and for once she did make me sing publicly. She has done a lot for me, and made me so happy. I enjoy every moment of time spent with her. Our escape to the south and our . . .. ^_^. Our escape to the mountains and our . . .. How I love my partner in crime, and the . . .. in her house. For once I cried desperately in front of her and did clumsily out of rage punched walls, simply out of love. She has moved me, and forever she will move me until we will walk down that very aisle. I am so happy, just so happy that I love her, I am with her. And do I wish to have written more in this essay but to write everything about six months will be a an enormous task, but if I can I will, but how can I write about a whole eternity of our love life? Maybe yes, leave it in our memories while we are living, we bother not to lose anytime to smile to love and to laugh. Simply, I am devoted to her  and I wish to be her husband who waits at the end of the aisle as she walks with her parents. Joy! I love you so much and I will never fail in loving you, I always love you. I and you is a perfect pair. You and me, together forever.


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