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We Shall Endure!

I long that the people around would not be bothered by two persons falling in love,  just two persons and no other. Society condemns and gives judgements wherein the love between two free beings are tainted with their mockery and abomination due to social expectation. Sometimes it is the society that brings down the freedom enjoyed by two individuals sharing the universe as if it were their own and own alone. We are now in a situation so critical because we cannot control the fact that the intimacy had gone so true that it is of no point in denying such glorious event. I have a reputation to keep, she too has a reputation to keep, but these reputations are just the outcome of society’s rules that chains us towards the fulfilment of such in clustered manner. Yes, I understand I am something and she too is, and the event of which is awkward in the eyes of society because they believe in a caste system, that I do not agree. For we had vowed to ourselves that we are professionals and people who value honour and we stand where we stand without blemish. She has made me whole and society accuses me of my happiness because I have to conform to their norms? I love her and society dares prevent me from acquiring my happiness? The same with her, she finds her happiness; she is happy and would society dare to prevent such happening? What would they think of us? Yes their eyes are so rapid in their movement even when not in sleep and so quick to condemn people in the quest of divine happiness in the means of their freedom. They may look at us as unorthodox, ostracize us maybe because of it, but in our difference makes us unique, makes us standing above them as far more transcendent, upon the wings that bring us close back to the gods again, almost sharing infinity, eternity and here comes the people mocking us grasping our feet as we are about to enter the clouds, a step close towards love divine.

Yes, I am here worrying about us, because we are proud of ourselves in union and the thing is that the mob don’t want us. Others are so worried because they have the problem within themselves, but ours is the push of society, nagging us around as if we will be pushed around. Although we fear what the society may say, but we are shaking our legs crumbling to stand strong but holding each others hand towards every struggle. She said she would not leave no matter what, I too say that I am here for her no matter what. If society hates us, pushes us around, well they can Fuck off. We are born free and we shall live a love that is free. Push us you envious scum that only wish for our destruction, because you have become so mechanized that you want us to function according to your system. Love transcends barriers and we dare remove ourselves from the cogs of your machinery. You, society, keep haunting us in our free minds telling us what to do. Delivering upon us mental torture because you are ready to cast stones to people who are different. Well shower us with stones, I keep her covered, stone us to death, but my body remains as her shelter, bounded by love, nothing can penetrate even with bombs, especially from the vile venomous backbiting and norms you bestowed to control. We are free from control, no matter how you restrain us, we are subtle, quick and wise to stand beneath your belly happy and sharing a transcendent feeling that is stuck as a thorn to you.

I love her, I love her, I love her! She is my everything and you dare take her away from me? We came by because of the divine spark laid upon by the mystery of fate and you dare strip that away from us? Who are you, society, to makes us lovers a fool behind your eyes and not those people who willing give themselves to be victimized?  I love her, and that is it. Bring us down, and feel the utter power of love colliding to your skin, shedding the glorious light to your dark marrow and cleansing your corrupted matter. Reducing it to dust as we fly and you sprinkled by the fire ignited as we blast off towards space, the realm of infinity. Condemn us, bring us down by your gravity, try to match the greatest force in the world and that is love and feel Newton crumbling to reformulate you as if you are but contingent, having no permanent existence.

I love her, I love her. We shall endure.


  1. I love her, I love her. We shall endure. ♥

    1. hehehehe. nag jud siya sa akong blog oo. hahahah


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