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Simple Joy

Simple things are those things that never seem to tire to amaze us especially when we are so engrossed in the complexities of the world. We are so busy endeavouring into numbers, facts and science that everything has become too mechanized and too much of a machine that everything has turned out to be without magic because everything has become succumbed as parcels to the whole piece. Simple things are those events that make us feel like there are no such things as the machines, as liken to a butterfly flapping its wings right above our noses, casting shadows and silhouettes, playing with the sunbeam as it teases our eyes with its colour. Much time has been given to worries and work because we are left with no other option than to continue surviving at the expense of what we have so dearly and that is a taste for the emotions. Thinking is abused and continually usurped in this era of urbanization and the continuous boom of technology that man has forgotten what was it like to feel the breeze of dawn in the hills or by the sea; the starry night sky undisturbed by artificial lights, nothing but the canvass of the heavens directly at out sight. Simple things have been shoved because of man’s ambition to become masters of the world, or to rectify his divine role as the steward of creation. But he has forgotten what was it like to just wander aimlessly, stroll around the garden only picking the necessities, lying on the ever green pastures and looking at animals in their simple nature. All of the sudden, when man so continuously aimed high, he has left that sacred feeling of being moved passionately by anything around him without even an inch of thought.  

Again, that simple butterfly incident makes a lot of difference than to a hard day’s labour in the office or the rush demand of time and of society. But here come this one simple thing that shakes the rubble of the city walls and even collapses the urban time frame and that is love. Nothing has anything been simple than to be captivated by her smile. The smile that captures me into a timeless dimension made me forget the world awhile and get absorbed to the ever beautiful experience of captivation.  The smile that made me leave all the business that is troubling my head as if an eternal music from the lyre of the Muse has been strung and rendered an alluring tune to my ears as a canvass whenever she smiles. Liken to the simple flying butterfly toying with the sunbeam, her smile reflecting the light abundant from the sky and casting to the dark and alone me the very light that long have I been deprived. So cold and lifeless was I without any light, and here comes the smile, shining so bright, baptizing the emptiness in me with that gleam. A gleam carrying a soul with it, extending her hand as my soul was left tied in a stray jacket to untie the knots, to release me out of my cave, the comfort I had with all of the shadows and echoes of my surroundings. The hand, so warm enough that heat eventually excited the frozen blood, agitated it, moved it and blood flowed once more to this lifeless corpse. Blood began to run thoroughly and gave the frozen heart the activity of beating once more, beating because of that tender warm touch that I could not resist. A hand that is so pressed in my hand, a hand that fits snugly and is soft like the soul that she is carrying. Driving away the horrors of being alone, as of my dark empty sky was painted with stars with her touch and every star represents the light of her smile that forever guided me in my navigations amidst the lonely vast seas.

Fire is the product of friction and yes, the friction of the collision of two souls created an eternal flame that shall not be consumed. A friction by the touch of her hand, the warmth of her smile, and the holy feeling of her kiss, a kiss that ignited the fire, en-kindled a flame that let both hearts to beat rapidly in the moment of ecstasy, and as the beating was triumphantly at tandem with each other, that the time by two hearts at beat has become so synchronized that there was no longer two hearts but one. Two hearts beating as one, absorbed and wielded by the fire, branded for eternity as one. A kiss that served as rain to this dry lips ravaged by drought; as they say water is life, she poured water to the dryness of my being bringing me to life. Let it continue to rain and rain, flood this dry land with your love. Simple as that, and the feeling is beyond science’s quantification process and methods, even though they can fictionalized the euphoria, but such event transcend matter, even the grasp of science that a kiss has become so divine that even man’s common mode of expression and that is language has become insufficient to capture the event into words. Nothing was like it, more of like a gift from the heavens. She has become that gleam of hope, that I cling on, not only to cling, but to love for all throughout time. She gave me life, and my life is hers.

Such simple things had given me so much joy, that such joy has never been so abundant in me because such joy is one and only one alone. I never made it to account anymore to pluralized joy to joys, because happiness is the ultimate end, to be the ultimate is to be the only end, and happiness is joy per se, joy is therefore one and only one and is the ultimate end for me. She has become the joy to my soul, that purpose laden to me, to make me strive to fight everyday into striving the end. People are troubled because they have so many joys in life, but I only have one joy, and nothing else. The joy that never seem to fail and to vanish, an eternal fountain of youth that never seems to dry or like to what Moses saw to that bush that has never been consumed. The kiss, the hand, the smile,  the presence, simply her has triggered a vital impetus that stricken me deep down into my heart telling me that she is all I ever need, she is the woman that I shall endure with. We shall endure! Her goodness is overflowing and her voice that calm the beasts has totally swiped me off my feet making me fall down to make me stare in beholding upwards of such beauty and simplicity. Ah, that simple joy. Nothing is simpler than that joy in my life. Society collapses, rules are broken, to serve the higher ordeal of love. Loving her is condemned unto me as a heartfelt duty that time eternity is sealed unto it, and to be loved by her is a joy in life that I can be drunk with. “I’ve got joy deep down in my heart” as a jingle says, although children are liking it, but children are one of those simple creatures who always have joy, and as a child, I have joy. No merely having joy, but I am joy. I am happiness. Joy is us. We are joyful. Never has that jingle rang a huge meaning in me, not only in these times that I am joyful.

WE! WE! There is nothing like a love that echoes throughout eternity. What we do in life, echoes in eternity. We love each other, and our love shall reverb throughout time and space endlessly.


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