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November in My Heart

I never thought I got to see you up close as you walked out of the airport’s terminal exit. I never thought that I got to hold your hand last Friday, neither could I believe that we hugged and kissed as we went to our friend’s car. Your voice never felt so real, and never felt so up close for a very long time. I could not believe the ride to the hotel, hearing you laugh, lending me your handkerchief as I was still sulking in disbelief. Your hands felt so real while you were pressing them hard as I was still emotional. It felt like bliss when you ate your first chicken joy meal in 7 months while getting shocked seeing the cake with a small bundle of roses. You told me that you felt like a woman, and that statement rang in my head because I successfully made you feel like one. And I took a photo of you with your advanced birthday presents. Just 6 days ago, we made love after a long 7 dry month period. Your hugs and kisses were not any more fantasies, but realities. I could not believe that we had dinner at my family’s house and we had a little chit chat about your work. It feels like yesterday that we had our karaoke night together, and I felt home listening to your singing voice up close! Plus, a massage trip came before another romantic night’s rest.

Saturday’s dawn was unbelievable as we woke up cuddling, with morning breath so warm and close. Then after we stared outside the windowpane of our hotel room, looking at Cebu’s sunrise from the 18th floor. You took a photo of that sunrise! Happy Birthday Babe! I could not believe that we went to Carbon Market so early in the morning to shop for the surprise lunch gathering in your family’s home later that noon. After that we went to your home, up for a surprise visit, and I could still remember your father’s big smile of disbelief and your mother’s tears. A little chit chat and we told them to prepare the food. We went to the hotel for a quick dip in the pool. 5 days ago, we were at the rooftop, having a cool time on the pool talking about love, life, future, fights, and random strangers. It felt like it was just yesterday. The intimacy of the conversation was surreal. Your words never felt so real since you left Cebu 7 months ago. And do never mind the hot shower again. I could not believe my memory that we had lunch together with your family. A quick nap came after and our cheap bed never felt alive to have both our bodies on it. Of all the experience, I am still in shock that I waited for 4 hours watching your hair having a new look. Both of us were in disbelief about the time it took and the price. But I never minded the 4 hours of waiting, as long as I saw you. I could not imagine that I was with you when you bought your first ever laptop! 4 nights ago, as of today, we had dinner at our favorite Korean restaurant with your friends. Do not forget that I got by well with them, and we had a wonderful and funny conversation. I was sorry to steal the night away because of a stupid exam. And I felt your warmth in deciding to go home with me and slept on our cheap mattress.

4 mornings ago, we woke up cuddling, exchanging another set of morning breath and had a quick go. You made me sentimental because you prepared a hot chocolate drink for me before I went to take the exam. By the way, the exam was forgettable, but I am happy that you spent your breakfast morning with your family. And I felt worried because you got sickly while I felt comfortable because I am just near to give you your much-needed Babe Massage. I returned home, and we both missed the Sunday affair. I slept by your side, and later on, stood by you as took a bath after the quick nap. Then after we went for another lunch out at SM and both your father and brother were late. That afternoon was a bliss when we both had our shopping experience while your family did theirs. The magical symbolic moment for me came after when we ate "gelatissimo" together, and then set on to buy some personal care products. Plus, you bought gloves and bonnet for the upcoming cold climate in Japan. We hurried home to pack the things for your next day’s flight. You bid farewell to your family with the promise of your father coming over on the morrow for your flight. Off we went to our hotel by the airport. 3 nights ago we had our BBQ dinner with your kilig moment of me telling you how much I stole moments just to stare at you when you were yet my student even before the relationship started. The last night at the hotel was intense as we also shared our closet secrets. That was the last night of lovemaking for 2019.

2 mornings ago, the last morning when our morning breaths intertwined. The last hot shower of 2019, and the last morning lovemaking. Dread came to me as we were preparing to go to the airport. Hugs became warmer but with a sense of distance. We kept each other’s used clothes for comfort. Your scent slowly started to fade away. We then had breakfast at the airport, preventing ourselves to cry as what you told us to do. Your father came shortly after a traffic incident. Boarding time! My heart melted. The last hug and kiss by the airport terminal door. You soon disappeared when I last saw you struggling with your luggage as you looked back to see if I saw it. Your flight confirmed, I and your father went home. The motorcycle ride was empty. I looked at the sky and wept inside because of how far you are again. I got home, I cried in the bathroom. I could not believe you were not inside our room anymore. Another confirmed flight! This time to Japan, and it was timely when the tap water was running. I switched it on, to silence my crying. I told myself that you only have 4 months left before your real homecoming, your return for good! You arrived in Japan, I took a deep breath and have to face the fact. You told me of a moth on your laptop bag. You got home, and 3 days and 3 nights became a blissful memory. A call to end the night and you cried as well in disbelief. I missed you. I missed us. Those 3 days and 3 nights were the highlights of my 2019. A birthday present for both of us. Come home soon please. Can’t wait to see you and hold you again for good. Taiwan is coming up next. I love you!


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