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“Trabaho Man Kaha Imung Gipangita?”

I have heard this line oftentimes and for those who do not speak Bisaya, let me translate this in English: “It is work that you are looking for eh?” This has been used to motivate people those who are sick and tired with their jobs and used by those who are helplessly fatalistic about the dreaded situation. Although this might have an existential bearing, it cannot be denied that such statement favors exploitation. Even though a person may try to find himself or herself in the job one is doing by saying these words to one’s self, but such linguistic expression is an expression of the modern day slave drivers and I would gladly point out somethings to unveil the messages that are carried over.
Through the statement, a job is the only reality there is that can help one succeed in life. The assumption of looking for a job is always tied to finding means to survive as jobs guarantee an income that can support basic needs and if the jobs are paying off good, then a bourgeoisie lifestyle awaits. We all have to agree that this necessity to work was already connected with humanity’s quest for continual existence such as the ancient yet collective production through agriculture and fisheries; however, if a job is already exploitative i.e. meager salary and a high demand of output, then it is also necessary for the worker to complain as to the justice there is to be enshrined with the compensation and the conditions of labor. People farm a long time ago to live, yet they sing songs, joke around while doing it and under the assurance that each gets a fair decent share with a fair decent job assignment. But such is not the case of the modern industries wherein we all are expected to give it all while those who hold our wages give less. Songs can still be sung and jokes can be still aired out, but the last part about salary is absent or is in lack. It is a different feel when one cracks jokes for a laugh to ease the burden of labor and still knowing in the end there is fair share. It is hard enough to see top bosses display the vulgarity of their pampering while those who are at the forefront of the industries just pretend they did not see those big pizzas delivered. I know they too are hardworking but is it not worth noting the big disparity between pays? And talk about the main purpose of the company which is to dispense this kind of service yet those who are at forefront in delivering such are the ones being usurped? Moreover, when questions arose and legitimately raised, we are told by the above default line in the syntax of the company and in the exploitative working world in order to assert that the individual chose the job in the first place without a glimpse and internalization of the bigger realities why people are even pegged down to choose such jobs. The rendering of everything as a matter of existential choice downplays a huge environmental factor to the person’s ability to choose. No choice is made in a vacuum thus no choice is made because one truly does so. It is a job you are looking for then swallow the perverted maxims. If only many will also say, “it is a business that you are looking for eh?” And if all the exploited who also realized the need for an upheaval will, then it is no longer about an individual threat to one’s security of tenure but a threat to the money making machine of an enterprise. The people already know that they have the capability, but refuse to assert such. Moreover, the pervading culture has already infested a malignant value system that those who steal time from their bosses are thieves, but their bosses who steal time and money from their workers is his or her right. The old feudal values still exist in the modern times, that even the thought of lordship still is a business fad. It is easy for these nobles to kick out peasants because there is the abundance of human resources who are all desperately waiting in line just to taste a meager salary to survive as for the moment. The basic principle in economics tells us, as the supply increases while the demand is meagerly stagnating, expect the prices are down to the decently lowest bidder and that is how the laborer sells himself or herself - cheap. Again, they say, “it is a job you are looking for eh? You want to live?” “Do not question the spoon that feeds you” and that is the worst of all pretext in values.

Pegging down the ability to question and be critical to something as a series of consequences one can avoid if the person carefully chose where one belongs is an understatement to one’s capability to profoundly think and try to transform the world. Fear and injecting tremble to workers just to shut them up is slavery. Moreover, such renders thinking as unnecessary if it does not generate the necessary profits that can help the industry in terms of sales measured in money and not in the happiness and the beautiful community an industry can be if managed humanely. However, there are ways to address humanely which are not just about trivial actions. A monthly food gathering cannot substitute the decadent system in play because it is just aimed towards mitigating the pain but not address the totality of the origin of such pain. The system is broken and the attempts to fix it are typically approached in a band-aid-solution-manner. Sad to say, many surrender their critical nature for scraps of food and there is no denying that amidst hunger, one can have a perception of a messiah to the one who offers bounty. It is like giving beggars food on the streets but never really solving the greater crises of massive unemployment, rising prices of commodities and poverty. Such tendency to be a messiah is well abused by corporations in order to appear benevolent in which a careful observer always sees it as an empty façade. “It is a job you are looking for eh?” “Can you not be grateful by these mercies and benevolence that we show?” In order for the many not to see beyond the edifice is to keep obscure the machinations of the system by rendering a confusing yet inviting state of transparency which in fact never was in the first place, only an illusion of transparency is needed. If ever the system can be seen nakedly, then questions will further arise as to how it is functioning which drastically affects all and even engines the exploitative and unequal dilemma many are in. It would be even more provocative if the wealth gap is shown and I always wonder why is there a certain kind of banality and a taboo atmosphere about mentioning the salary? Why keep it private? Why instill a culture that aims to keep it private? Moreover, refrain from telling those who directly avail the corporation’s service from the reality of how their money is used – blind the customers that they are indirectly involved in mass exploitation? Many will shift their purchase when they know the production process and I know they fear the negative feedback that arise that with such great pay, little really went to what was actually paid for. Then we go back to line, “is it a job that you are looking for eh?” A refusal to answer or a refusal to refuse and a refusal to instigate change even first in perspective indicates the weakness in character, subservient to masters. It will start first as a question that can infect, fan the flames and let it burn so that a new forest can rise from the ashes.


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