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Ethics in the Semesters of 2016-2017

            Thinking has to do with mastery of language and Heidegger once said that “language is the house of being” and being is because of thinking. I have listened to a lot of people lately who are already in college but the problem is “Are they really in college?”. I kept on reflecting why thinking ever since is one of the major problems of human beings and maybe it is right to question Aristotle’s claim of man being a rational animal or it is right to say that others are not even human beings to begin with. English is not the measure of one’s intelligence; however, some people are plagued by a disease that even their own language they do not have the words to express for the sake of conversation and being understood.

            Having known also Habermas’ Theory of Communicative Action, it is a presumption according to him that there should be rationality among human beings so that they can participate in what we call communication or discourse in which is useful for man inside the society in order to create social cohesion with others. Quoting the masters of Modern Philosophy that of Kant and Hegel, then there is a strong presumption again that “reason” has to be the central and integral part in the social activities of man, be it of politics, ethics and other applied social practices. The question here is, how can there be a fusion of horizon from one subject to another subject when a) one subject is without rationality and b) both subjects are without rationality? Hegel even emphasizes the power of reason to capture reality and eventually is reality as he said “what is rational is real” and to Kant emphasizing the power of reason as the gateway to have assurance of what we know. Sad thing is that, reason has downright devolved when man is not anymore the center of the cosmos but technology.

            Technology is supposed to be an appendage for man to develop his capabilities into the manipulation of the world he is in at. It came to be because of man’s desire to control the unpredictable external world he is immersed into with a drive to survive and perpetuate. However, with a system that creates a trash bin for the extortion of resources, there has to be a promise of marketable convenience to the consumers so that they will feel the luxury of technology, later on, becomes an indispensable part of the being of humans. Technology has now become a parasite to the unsuspecting, not yet rationally develop man wherein instead of him to elevate his reasoning capabilities to master the world, he has been given a false environment that makes him feel that the only quality there is, is to consume, be a consumer and a slave to technology. Having to update themselves yearly with all unnecessary accidentals forgetting the substantial; therefore, molded the consciousness of an individual to be trivial and never at the core essential. Social media is now the new breeding ground of acceptance to where the youth who seek such attention has a free wide avenue to be accepted. A deceptive photograph, deceptive smile with deceptive features can create an edifice that the community can learn to love and appreciate. Therefore, is a good training ground for pretention. Acceptance to a group can now be measured by the manifest of DSLR captured profile photo and not anymore the worth of an individual in the rational, artistic and social level. Although, there are some who uses the social media for the propagation of ideas, but that is not the main theme of the commoners, the herd.

            Another problem lies with a problematic education system in the Philippines wherein, we have a rich pool of education graduates who cannot teach the young ones very well thus leading to a floodgate of college enrollees who are not even fit and ready to be called collegiate. With so many private schools in the HEI’s who are thirsty for enrollees to fund their business who are willing to risk the honor of one being a university by open enrolment with no restrictions thus we have a heterogeneous population of differently abled students. Whether the training before in the secondary and elementary levels were from a private and public institutions, the drive of every Filipino family seeing the hardship of a third world country sees the educational institution as a diploma mill which will provide them a ticket to economic liberation. It is all about just passing the semester that counts and not anymore the noble goal of expanding one’s knowledge. Knowledge is not anymore as sacred and profound just like in the halls and lecture rooms of academics, but its value has now reduced to serve technological mentality, and that is, what is useful for production is the knowledge deemed acceptable and those that are romantic about philosophy and art are now reduced to being obsolete. Come to think of it, the humanities are now bracketed because nobody wants to be human anymore, they all just want to be cogs in the machine, mindless appendages to the whole system whose only job is to keep the status quo and benefit from it carnally without the promise of the expanding one’s wellbeing through rationality and realizations. No wonder the minds of the students are trained only for mediocrity and compliances sake to be just that screw and just a screw nothing more. Let the decision making be for those who are on top. This is a clear line of how the system alienates people from their rational being and reducing them to a mindless-worker-consumerist.

            Let me take for example my ethics classes. Ethics is one of disciplines of philosophy which has an observable relevance to the society at large because metaphysics are for the wizards in towers intoxicating themselves with truths of which I too am into. But let me take for example the classes I have, wherein the generation of the youth are technologically oriented but as mindless consumerists, abundant in wealth but not in wits and whose family values does not include critical thinking and seeing the university as a dispenser of diploma and vain wizardry at the commencement rites. The word university has already lost its academic reputation and molded it into a technocratic institution as how the system wanted it. Students whose rationality are not that of a secondary level graduate, whose language is a product of utter confusion of colonialism and nationalism with crab mentality. Whose world are locked into the beauty of teenage romance of which I have nothing against but we can just see how the libido is leveling up resulting to libido thresholds such as parties, one night stands, HIV/AIDS and early pregnancies. Their logic already at the tip of their dongs and crevices not anymore where the part when we man are now separate from our reptilian origins. When comprehension is a gift and reasoning is a talent; therefore not all who embody the physique of a human being is essentially a human being. Because in the contemporary times, where status is derived from social media fame, being on trend or the meaning and value is already at the lens of the smartphones; who then needs to be honorable and intelligent? When recognition can already been given to people who do senseless acts captured on phone or their profile has now become a diary of how they have become mindless consumerists; I see that being rational in not anymore a concern among the people not even the youth nowadays. They take pride on senseless chatter, idle talks and in an environment that does not elevate their being rational. I hate seeing them with smart phones, whose intelligence are in the phone and not in the user. Or is technology getting smarter to serve the lazy human being, desynthesizing him or her from rational effort into mere reception of programmed rationality? If I too were a good parent, I would never spoil them with the happiness they can get from material-trivial things, rather I would spoil them how to have a beautiful thought, honorable character and an excellent artistic expression. Food only rewards Pavolov's dog, but as how Mill said "I would rather be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied". The generation I see before me is lost and there are few shepherds who are embracing their vocation devoted to guiding the flock towards a greener pasture and liberation.

            They will grow old soon. They will take part in crucial societal decision makings for the betterment of the future for the nation and the entire world, but I can foresee the problem of automatons ruling the world who pump and fuel themselves through non-stop consumerism. I see the future bleak when these people will take hold in the world I am and soon was happy to be in with. Moreover, it will be like history repeating itself when my offspring will be the one struggling to correct the errors of so many. Stupidity is an epidemic. It has ever been the case but I am deeply grieved to what I have with me in front. Again and again, six months is not enough to build an individual, because my skill, my rationality came early. A tree has to be watered from seed until its full bloom, no seed can be a giant tree in a day. My task is a hard one and that is to water the barren land plagued by so much drought. The youth absent vocabulary, absent logic, absent will, absent reasoning, absent courage, absent effort, absent honor, absent wits but abundant in wealth in coin are the very seeds I am laboring to water. Their reasoning soon will be used in society but hopefully, hopefully, a correctly functional one.

            Sad, stressed and tired I am for a laborious task I took. A boulder that I happily push ontowards the top off the mountain in this world of absurdity but with a spec of hope for a utopia come true. There are rare lotus flowers which rise above the murky waters, but only a few. Those murky waters have to be gone. If possible. Mission possible, feeling impossible. Let the beauty of rationality dawn to  them if I fail to let it grow in them. Let the other lotus flowers help me guide to remove the cancer in the  whole body of humanity. A social cancer, the cancer of the species. 


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