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New Ears, Same Souls

                Since the last time I gave my utmost resentment over the people I am facing was last year especially when it simultaneously jived with the exit from my work, so now is the best avenue for me to start another judgement from the observations I have with my new environment.

                The aura of my previous work was a little bit disturbing especially the fact about administration and questions about student empowerment and shall we say a culture of ass kissers. Yet I cannot discount the fact that I started there and learned a lot especially about a culture and nonetheless my meet with my destiny (love). Also, I cannot discount the fact of having lively people around and some of them do make sense and worth the talk.

                I have learned that there is a strong presence of this shameless ass kissers and to be more blatant, they certainly are incompetent as they are with their titles but I do had enjoyed my keen observation with those interesting imbeciles. Next and what is more heartfelt for me are the clients I am facing and my profession as a teacher must delve greatly into them because I am and they are necessary relative terms, we cannot just disregard the other. Yet, granting from my understanding of their culture, theirs is more of a “lower class” brought upon by harsh backward social conditions. Of which in terms of language and liberal arts thinking skills, those are a rare kind and a rare find - a lotus flower upon murky water.

                Then this here is my new dilemma, an encounter with middle and upper class. But upon closer understanding, those who desire the medical field shall I say are well equipped in the basics in their formative years. I have no problem in terms with language and retention skills (English, Respectable Grammar, Orals, Good Memorizing Skills). I guess I can say, those who desire such field had already in them the impetus to accumulate learning plus to make it sure that what they had is standard. Thus I say they are competitive but only to a certain level and maybe to their field of choice but here comes me, a different story in their academic lives.

                I found out that they had a good background judging from the fact that they are can-affords and therefore I can say that in terms of effectiveness of moulding people, the private sector did its job very well. Shall I say that education here in the Philippines is really good for the side of the elite, thus the poor and the oppressed scour over the trash of Philippine platforms of democratizing education. Plus not only trash, but a place where conditions are not properly met and mostly that has been done are only for compliance sake to cater the capitalistic needs of the human market for mindless yet able drones for a future non-critical workforce. But I do not even exempt the middle-upper in that predicament, because the only edge they have is social status, verbiage, vocabulary and diction but the gem that I am looking for is still a rare find but even though it is, yet the environment now is a little bit richer for potentials. (Maybe I am already infected with the elitist set-up but pardon me.)

                I can verily say that I am still facing the same problem of the future mindless drones. Their only advantage is that their pockets are filled with enlarged mobile phones that are not a product of their own labour, that is to say, lavishing over being an obligation of their source of wealth. They suffer still the same paradigm from that of what I have been facing before. People who are not open to illumination and even cannot even understand the working of a critically thinking mind. I guess I can safely say, that an authentic education cannot really be bought but can just be stimulated by a good environment but it needs more push to make it a habit, a routine, or better yet a nature of the students. Even though the world needs only a workforce to stabilize and to have a satiated subhuman drive but the role of the said discipline I am propagating demands more of the mere cog in the machinery goal of an individual. The world is already broken by such unawareness and alienation of even the ability to be conscious being blinded by illusions set by the system. To make brittle the pincers that hold these minds, I have to be forceful in the sense that is to be so damaging to their morale and their foxholes simply to lure them out for a better view or a re-evaluation of pre-established questionable notions.

                The main task is to think, even though my discipline is already trying to go beyond the thinking process itself, but before even transcending, we need somewhere to transcend and as a prerequisite at least one is there. But again, the same moulding and blacksmith duty I must do, and my preconceived notions are already shattered but at least I accept the fact that I am wrong and thus attempt at least to redefine and cure. But it is hard to offer an all divine single salvation for that is being a militant moralist, but my point here is to give and sow the seed, the seed of thinking for them to open up their own horizons to uncover and to unfold not just being blind to the system.

                Thus is the said struggle of mine, History and Philosophy had already been the task I have been given for three years, and although I may learn along my own personal endeavours, but it is shame in my part that I cannot transmit to the other to see light dawn unto this age wherein my people need a rethinking and an awakening. The struggle continues, may I bring more to dine with those embraced by light.


  1. hi sir good evening. how are you? it's been a long tym since i visit this site. anyway, i have a question, hope you can help me.
    is it true that pms or pre marital sex is illegal in our country? mura man gud nabagting ako utok pagka'dugong nako ana nga storya, because i never heard a such before. im just curious.
    i also had my research and i found out that it's true for some country but i havent heard or read any article proving that we also have that same law, so please enlighten me. inosente kaau ko gud pagdating sa mga ganyan. harhar.
    thank you.
    btw, sorry kung dri ko n.comment. i cant message u.., dnt know why.


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