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Showing posts from 2015

Marry Me Not to Social Ills

                I have never felt a kind of magnanimous excitement knowing that marriage is just around the corner. It is like I am now facing the moment wherein I will happily entangle myself with someone I love so much. The thrill spurs in knowing that that day is coming. I am now ready to stand firm with my decision to love her as I usually did and this time in a so called societal accepted manner and that is to publicly pronounce it through a ceremony.  Celebrations like these do not really matter to me as a person who looks into the essentials, because there can be no event needed when the couple just follow their hearts to keep the bond intact even if there are no legalities and or social practices. Ideally speaking I am the kind of person who would rather swear an oath to oneself and to the other under the heavens to preserve the love in pure solitude, yet I am inside a world filled with rites. The rites serves to extend the vows by letting the third parties act as witness so t

The "Unpoliticized" Youth

             The youth is the future of our nation which in fact is a pale blue dot in a pale blue dot. Indeed, it is a fact because they will replace the old ones after they are nurtured for the real world. Yes, they are the future because they are the potential working force that will raise the status of the economy. Moreover, we can export them to the global community to work for transnational corporations and much so there are those who still wish to strive inside our nation. If the future solely means having a stable job and then contributing to the national budget then the future is indeed promising.             The means in preparing this youth through education is one way to rear them for a future. Education serves as that requisite wherein they are fully trained for the world. However, mostly of the educational institutions here in the Philippines are problematic. To some extent, there is indeed a monopolistic hold of quality among the private schools wherein most of the

An Open Letter to My Students

         As far as I am concerned, I know education is important to you, especially in investing in a good future. However, before even going further, let us clarify first what you mean by education and a good future. As a teacher, I too was once like you. I suffered under hectic schedules, deadlines, mind-twisting examinations and long hours of listening to lectures; typically, your academic life. Seeing you today made me think of the very problem in our nation nowadays, and that most of you are unaware of such a dilemma because society was clever enough to numb you.      It is an undeniable fact how our educational institutions molded us to become the best memorizers and imitators of already existing things. Intelligence now has become a showcase of how fluent your English is, or how many terminologies you can sink into your head. Diction has become the standard of your being educated, and empty words have become the badge of your genius; hence, it deeply shows how problema

The Smile After the Frown

                The mirror of time reflected to me the thorns of the summer of 2014. The moment when the thorn dug deep into the skin choking the heart to weep in sorrow was at its pinnacle. The silence that haunts the ears and the words that pierced through the soul. Memory is kind to give me the story again as it celebrates its year old wound and scar. But the man of today saw it as a fitting scene to happen as the ride between the couple gets more intense. Never a day did this beautiful melancholic relic pass through my thoughts with a silent stride. I bear the impact of the apple falling from the branches.                 My mind brought me to the spectre of the war where I lay wounded after the dagger had struck me to the bone. The music had its abrupt stop when I was listening to the melody. The quick pause caused my ear to resonate in dismay, longing still for the song to play. As if the canvas where I paint tore itself leaving my masterpiece to a halt. My world shrank into

K + 12: Its Dim Light of Promise

                According to Republic Act no. 10533 Sec.2 paragraph no.1, “The State shall establish, maintain and support a complete adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people, the country and society-at-large.” Therefore, the law itself anchored that K-12 has to exist and be maintained because it is the solution to the needs of the people. Getting jobs after they graduate senior high is a need of course but the curriculum itself is highly decongested in the senior high part wherein the students are immersed into several tech-voc tracks paired with core curriculum subjects and through this congested phase, still it is too much of a burden of the student to finish. Therefore, the aim to decongest was not met, it actually focused that still the K12 graduates will be eligible for college level.                 R.A. 10533 mentioned that the students must inculcate “…the capability to engage in autonomous, creative and critical thinking and the capac

Ph.D and the Drama

                 Having a Ph.D before was very enticing because it was one way to have progress economically. Investing money to have a title that creates all the more class distinctions among humans and moreso, in terms of salary and fluidity in promotions has led a slight derogatory remark on the word itself philosophy.(If I got it right, sophistry is the accurate word for it) The case is different to those who will pursue a doctorate degree which is purely philosop hy because in this educational system, we have become irrelevant to the demand of the times, especially that the world needs someone to cut steel, assemble pipes and spice up pork chops. We have become totally irrelevant in a technologically oriented world. The queen of all sciences is pushed into a corner where the industry needs us as a number in a TOR. As a queen, we sit flat on our bottoms while the world pleases us, but monarchy now appears as passe and we shall be dethroned soon. Our expertise (as how our title def

Biological Nurse - Spiritual Monster

                Parents who do not recognize their children are in themselves products of the same agony. Parents whose age had exceeded maturity expectations had turned out to be by essence backward counting. It is such a shame that reason even fails to touch them, because they are without any. It is such a shame when these people are only efficient in slave driving rather than building people up – oppression as how I prefer to call it. It is such a shame that even by the nature of being a parent, one cannot even act as such maybe because of broken dreams or of a haunted past, but to continue to be weak in front of their children is one thing that they never fail to do so, thus making us the kids have a spiritual and mental growth spurt. It is such a shame that I have grown to a certain level of reputation and respect but they are stuck in their demented thoughts and more dishonourable when they smear the kids of their incompetency.                 I woke up into this world with

New Ears, Same Souls

                Since the last time I gave my utmost resentment over the people I am facing was last year especially when it simultaneously jived with the exit from my work, so now is the best avenue for me to start another judgement from the observations I have with my new environment.                 The aura of my previous work was a little bit disturbing especially the fact about administration and questions about student empowerment and shall we say a culture of ass kissers. Yet I cannot discount the fact that I started there and learned a lot especially about a culture and nonetheless my meet with my destiny (love). Also, I cannot discount the fact of having lively people around and some of them do make sense and worth the talk.                 I have learned that there is a strong presence of this shameless ass kissers and to be more blatant, they certainly are incompetent as they are with their titles but I do had enjoyed my keen observation with those interesting imbe