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One Beginning, No End

Cherish the moment when we have each other for all we know this is the only thing we had, we have and ever will have. The days had gone by as if they were the water that flows through the stream,  passing, noisy at times when the going gets rough and still or shall I say silent when the way is smooth. We had begun from a dry peak over the mountain, unknowingly that we filled each other’s path with water wherewith our runway was already thirsty for something, and that is Love. Rain may fill us more with life, but it is in us that we become self-sufficient, replenished by the love we both share and we shall be the river that forever runs full. Unlike the others who had a gushing start but at their end is drought, but we know and we continue to believe that we are far more superior than that and we shall never run empty! Amidst the flow we ran through many boulders that shook our ways, twisted and turned us round about, but our ever flowing grace toppled the dams that tried to make us stagnant and later on evaporate. The strength of our flow is the strength of our love and no concrete dams shall make us go still neither any dams at all no matter what.  As we hold on tight and together strong in our continuous journey, we are but yet still conscripted by the narrowness of our pathway, controlled a little in our decisions because we are still yet young, but eager are we to reach to the vast sea, open and spacious, the smell of the open, the longing of freedom. Yes, we are yet struggling, flowing, pushing aside every blockade that sets us at rest and make us dry up before freedom, but no, the energy, the impetus within us is more powerful than any matter, and even no matter can compromise the utter immensity of energy we have. What we have is greater than matter, because we have come with any matter and we dared toppled it down with our love. Love is that great energy that first bind us together and that which makes us flow, and continue to flow until we break the narrowness of space and at long last will enjoy freedom.  Ah, so much we have faced even for a little and I vow that we have to face everything until the end, and these hands are so tight in holding yours to face whatever obstacle we may have at our presence. I know love, we shall endure.

This year for me started lame and devastated, although coloured with fame and reputation but again my dear, lonely it is on the top of the mountain having a magnificent view but an empty soul wherewith it has no one to share the glory with. You came along and then shook my heart, melting the ice, burning in me the fire that invigorated me, that moved me. You moved me my darling into reaching far more than what I sat upon the tip of the mountain, I then learned how to fly, you gave me wings to soar up into the skies and you along flew with me, enjoying the breeze of the winds, touching the clouds and amidst the storm we are higher than the nimbus and we still enjoy the light of the sun. My dear, you had given me life, you had painted unto me a world wherein I playfully ran into for I know your radiant smile not only shine upon me light but colours that brighten up my days more. I may sit idly in my place thinking about great ideas, but ain’t no greater idea than you simply dancing along in a circle showing unto me your grace with a touch of your song in my head. Oh, the clamour, when you are afar, I could only best feel you within my thoughts, get drunk by it and all I know I am right by you inside my thought gaily dancing without end. Round and round in a circle to which signifies no end and perfection. Yes my love, you made me whole, we are perfect. Have I not been in where you were, then be it unto me that I am forever lost in darkness, clothed nothing but dim light, shadows and echoes that will continue to haunt me. You engaged me into finding a way out of this cave where I lived, and you broke the bonds, lose all my chains and you carried me along with your hand into the wonderland of love. Simply, I bear the joy, the joy that is always in you. You shared it to me, and I too will share the same to you. Happy and joyful I am to be with you. Sharing a foothold with eternity and the ecstatic moment of love and tenderness. How I thirst for your hugs and kisses all day and how my sweet reminiscence of you by night shelters me in my sleeping place, warms me amidst the cold. Always and forever I keep you in my heart, always and forever, remember these timeless words because we shall forever be in it. This year will end beautifully for you made it thus so. The rest of the years are already ours, we have but yet to seize it. I’ll hold your hand forever tight in all the joys and pains we will yet soon to face, but no greater happiness is there when I am with you through it all no matter what. I love you so much!

You are there when I needed someone the most, my ever beautiful, my ever joyful love. Let us continue to shine forever more.


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