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Love Divine

Come quick, I have now a story to tell about a dead boy coming back to life. His heart didn’t take breath for a very long time, but now he has become like Lazarus awaking from the dead. Like Christ conquering death by resurrection. Alas! death has been mocked again, because someone defied the very nature of it.  The young boy’s heart was filled with blood again, rushing through its veins profusely as quick as how the wind blows as if God was merciful and drew breathe to a helpless corpse once again to give it movement.

Precious is the soul when one feels that he is loved especially to this soul who has nothing so blessed to give than love, but also now is feeling the sanctity of being loved in return. Long has been the curse of being so generous in giving love abundantly without the recognition it needed and now it is so blessed that it had a taste of being loved. The moment when everything was so devastated she then came as an angel bringing a message from the heavens and that is love. Spreading her wings, comforting the lonely me by the dark corner of loneliness, patting my back telling me that I am loved, wiping my tears with her smile as if it drove the melancholy away. I await her song to fill this eternal silence in me with the music of the Seraphim when one ventures at Heaven’s gate. The promise of music to a beast so furious about the misery it has encountered, is at hand, to calm the monster with only nothing but loneliness as his abode. The glorious feeling of being loved is incomparable, like words are bereft of the powers of symbolism to encapsulate the reality of being loved. She has become a saviour, redeeming this wretched soul lost in the world wandering to find shelter, an abode. . . vagabond. She has become the North Star that every sailor could ever long to see after storms to give them direction again. I was once lost, and now I am found. Bright and shining is the light, her light, the very legend of which is from the radiance of her infinitesimal and beautiful smile, that has so great an impact that it melted away the thick ice that is keeping me cold and alone at the poles.

Across the islands this voyager has lost track and is stranded shipwrecked at the middle of the vastness of the sea. But she saw me even without the smoke and came to my rescue, as I was ready to give everything all up, but as she held me by her soft voice telling me about the secrets of the universe and I felt that I should not die yet, but was hungry for the secrets she bore. Her voice was already part of the mystery and that tickled me to push myself back up and look upon this goddess. In her was the secret all along and she didn’t even stroke the sand for symbols, signs or letters. Her countenance was already the secret held safe amidst the vast cosmos, it was in her along the love, the law of attraction rested. In her is my saving grace, the refuge the shelter, the home that I was longing. Never have I felt so sure that in her was everything compounded in her single existence. I never found someone so beautiful, so serene and pure like her, that everyday she has kept me at bay when we are far, by letting me sit and ponder about her. As if that is the only remedy for me to keep her close when we are but far.

But, promise me that you’ll never let a helpless me go, never leave me again in this island with all the gold but without the cosmic secret and that is your love. I shall hold on tight to you as the one who came about bringing salvation to a man who has almost nothing left to do than to die. But now, all I could do is to smile, thinking about that radiant smile you shun upon so bright, as if it is the gleam of hope where I could rest myself upon.

You have lifted me up, you have conjured the magic. You are my miracle, the only miracle that I could only pray for. You have taught me to pray knowing that you are the promise. God is pursuing me, and he gave me you to convince me that I am loved not only by Him but also by you. If I could just hold you so tight and whisper to you my secret also, and we can just soar around the galaxies defying time and space sharing the eternal love that no end of time can put to halt. Let the universe collapse, time and space, but the love we share shall endure even beyond the laws of physics, or even time itself. To tell you, I love you, and this yet I have to prove that I am worth your trust as my way of gratitude by saving me. I love you dear. =)


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