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The Mission

When I was yet a student, I loved it so much when we talked about social issues and what we can speculate to do as remedies for such incidents. Everything then was filled with fantasy, for the eager child in me, who have created the utmost fanaticism of servitude to society by any means was always tickled. The speculation had brought me into a world where every social reformer could ever dream of. I was then at the moment of sanctity, but the time has come for me to become finally part of the theorizing. What we used to talk about inside the luxury of the ivory tower, inside the four-walled receptacle, has now become my four-walled dilemma. I can still talk about it, but not just mere talk I am referring to, but a talk coming from firsthand experience. I have now encountered what I speculated so deviously before and not only encountered but I have become part of the system. Although the system is faulty and problematic, that could never call me to a halt when it comes to the principles I beheld. Plato talks about his famous Allegory and I want to live out the meaning he conveyed. Although it had a tragic end wherein the redeemer was being neglected, ostracized and laughed about because of the light he brought. The effort I extend is the glory of the shining star shall which is not to be relinquished but only in its rejection shall make it more spiced up as if it has become the vital impetus, the vital motivation for me to pursue further. They will obviously reject because it is so bright that their puny eyes cannot handle the truth because they are used to see shadows and hear echoes. I was brought up in a certain kind of manner but although amidst imperfection, there is that God in me, searching to become one with perfection. But the problem is that I have become a dreamer, aspiring for the lofty and the volatile. It is because of that dream I have become motivated and enabled myself to move according to that seeming impossibility. I have dreamt for so long that the perfect society will come, and that the children (as prophesied as the future) will build our nation and after the building, they will become the caretakers to where the future integrity of the nation will rest. I have a mission, and that is to bring that light to them, to shun away the darkness of the vile and despicable history they had with their second home. For I have been blessed to come from where the light is so bright, that it is of stupidity and of utmost negligence of the self-imposed social responsibility I gave to myself not to fulfill nor to share the redemption cause. I am now standing amidst the corrupted matter that is a result of the failure of upbringing into them the form that they ought to be. Almost everything that I am encountering is still formless matter. I could very much well do with some formless matter when I know it had been through rigid flame tests but still, it is left undone rather than that of formless matter that showed no trace at all of being formed nor tested. Although that is the responsibility to persons prior to my profession, their negligence and inefficiency have brought unto me the greatest responsibility of reconfiguration of what was scarred, damaged or deformed. The greatest responsibility is by making the persons-at-fault’s should-be-responsibility be mine in a level wherein it is already expected of them to be already embodying excellence. Nonetheless, I am destined to change whatever that needs to be changed and I will try my best to pursue no matter what. Quality has been sacrificed only to cater to selfish desires of keeping oneself alive by retaining the profession even though it had become so tainted with blasphemous rhymes. I have become somewhat a person who is teaching them not only the subject matter but the attitude that they should acquire as the youth of today inside the cathedral of post-modernity. They should be global citizens since we cannot escape that there is this demise of internationalism, but it had also made us aware of what higher things or possibilities had other men reached so far. So, let it be my task to incorporate to all of whom I have my care, that they shall be citizens who are not just cogs to be fed to the machinery of society but as human beings that are endowed with their legitimacy by being rational and to be entrusted to be the dominion of everything that can be of our control.

Standing with me is the distortion of what I was brought up. Not to brag, by comparison, it is just that I have seen better. But these little ones have not seen such, that is why they are not motivated to aim such, or they may have seen the dream but they are bereft of the attitude to work it through. They detest being put down upon because either they were traumatized by the ill use of the word “favorite” that they are not mature enough to conjure the magic of the negative force to make it positive. In this world, time is being constrained to the utmost minuteness that everything has become so fast and we too must cope up with the demands for other than that, we perish. The same, although learning is a lifelong process, development is an urgent need knowing that many are suffering because of its absence. That is why we have to give credit where credit is due and that is a failure is failure and passing is passing. Although it is my job that hangs beneath the thread when quantitatively such failure has become rampant, out of those who had experienced quality, they know and they are trained to give justly in whatever respect.

This is a plea for me as having this profession and to those who also have at least an inch of social responsibility that we are to serve at least in our boundaries as well as we could by eliminating what needs to be eliminated and to let live what is ought to be so. But to the children as well, my plea extends to them also that they too must be mature enough to work on themselves especially at this level of education that the world refers to as the stage wherein it is more on a strong sense of individuality leading to effective collaboration. They need to cooperate as well because all of a sudden the teachers are bending their knees nowadays, stooping to the level of stupidity which the nurturing of it must come to halt. Enough with the spoon being driven to their mouths like an infant but, let it be high time that they learn to feed themselves and learn to love pressure as their saving grace and the fire that will refine them to make the gold shine like a billion stars in a cluster.


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