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The Liberator's Wail

Let me leave you with my thoughts.

The semester has never been me spoon feeding concepts that can just be looked upon a dictionary and with the overabundance of the internet nowadays. If I were to spoon feed you with ethics then it would be tantamount to an angry Moses preaching to a sinful Mesopotamian minority about the 10 commandments and that would be simply brainwashing not education. 

To those who managed to cope with the situation and eventually triumphed it then that is a jolly good show for you and a deep thanks and appreciation from me by proving your worth. Anyways I have to thank people for being smart and intelligent in a world plagued with idiots and incompetent douchebag shallow people. 

Although my task is to educate, but by giving the fish rather than teaching to fish then I have given an understatement of what is truly to educate. To educate is to liberate. Heard of Plato's allegory of cave? At some point wherein the ascension to liberation takes place there has to be the effort of the prisoner himself in order to see the light. The one who freed him did not literally carried him, enlightenment is indeed a process, but not a purchase. 

What I did was any ancient teacher would do and that is to question. You have never heard Confucius to be outright discussing, neither Jesus to be giving mammoth full of lectures to Pharisees or Socrates discussing first without questions and confusion. All is a part of the awakening of the mind and it has to feel the pain of thinking by putting first a question. Einstein, Hawkins, Newton all pondered before they can reach an aha moment. Pondering because of a question that troubled them. Thus their minds pump themselves to work to find resolutions, but not every answer was final as every answer took several blows of doubts prior to perfection.

However, the problem in history is still present and that is when the population exponentially grows, so as stupidity. Because feeble minds like to be fed not feeding itself. A bastard monarch would just sit and eat the farmer's hardwork. But I would rather eat from my work which bears monumental fruit. Since this is philosophy, the products are your thinking capacity and the ability to put that into language.

To those who are having difficulty, maybe it is your first time to be taught according to the ways of the sages, because the problem of our educational system is that the system aims at producing mindless parrots not thinking beings. If you have never felt that one way back in your early years, then I say your education was a sham. You now feel my struggle of correcting almost two decades of decadent pedagogy. 5 months is not enough, yet I want to be a significant 5 month. 

Moreover, the home is not conducive for learning as family goes to idle chat about anything unintelligible. A casual family will never talk about the Cuban revolution and the implications of the Cuban missile crisis nor the socio-economic status of the world wherein capitalism has systematically dumb down the people to automatons, mindless and simply heeding the instruction of someone in authority. We are men, brothers and sisters supposed to be, not chimps upgraded physically but has a brain of a plankton. It would be a great sin to our ancestors who managed to evolve into a homo sapien if we throw our "sapien" (sapiere in latin is to know or pertaining to knowledge) nature as if it was a mistake in our evolution. Blessed are those whose home is a cathedral of true human passions such as art, music, literature, philosophy and the sciences. 

However, if you think that education is just a mere degree then you yourself stripped yourself of your current species status. You feel pained, sad and stressed because you never found joy in thinking. Although thinking is painful but there is no price for achieving enlightenment. Buddha, Spinoza, Jesus, Muhammad, Martin Luther King Jr., Rizal, Bonifacio, Nelson Mandela, Einstein and many more received the price of being a human being and that is wisdom. To die a human being. Remember Solomon was rich, but all the riches he had cannot replace his greatest gift and that is wisdom. (Not quoting for religious purposes, but for historical reference.)

Rene Descartes once said, "I think, therefore I am". (Cogito Ergo Sum) And my addition to that, fail to think, fail to be or exist. Cheers if I have made a difference! Cheers for you know yourself! Cheers because you are human! Cheers because you are willing and trying to be human! Woe unto you if you are subhuman and still wish to be chained in the darkness of a not so blessed ignorance and considering your prison as your liberation!


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