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To My Brother and Sister

Here in the living room of my childhood days sprang three individuals who shared the idea of siblingship through blood and also to where we are siblings because when we were yet the younger version of ourselves our own fellow children cannot understand our rationality. We came to flock to other children with the same sheep skin which were notably rare.
This room is a meeting place of minds, whose brother to brother to sister relationship is composed of silence, each attending to our toys that helped us reached a certain kind enlightenment and once the first question is raised, then the evening becomes a discussion on politics, religion, society, philosophy, art (most of the times music), science and etc.
As we grew older we begin to manifest the beauty of the ideas that we have cherished such as perfecting intelligence, making history, freedom and a life where the self actualizes in servitude to the other. Our bond is a soulful bond. We have more eyebrow clenching moments than laughter, because we enjoyed the ecstasy of questions and finding answers.
In spare times, we are hooked up with the good source of books in the shelf and some visitors who stimulate us often with intriguing things to take as a lifetime quests. We do not bask on travels to beaches, mountain tops and other places. However, when we happened to get there, we bask with nature's blessing to clear our mind for a more intense discussion. Nothing like fresh air to charge up the brain to find answers.
Sadly, as the days go by, our physical togetherness is torn by the necessity of our freedom and with that we respect each others path. Because deep in our minds, we have understood the necessity for one to find for himself or herself an answer that will forever end one's life quest in satisfaction. But, no matter how stretched we are, when our minds begin to talk in a language comfortable to us three, we are at home, even if it were not in this living room.
2016 is about to end, but our duties to ourselves and for others are not yet over. I am proud to have you as siblings. I love you all. :')


  1. It's good to reminisce the good ole times when mind meets mind. Minus ME. Glad that you and your siblings has this kind of fellowship. Keep it up!


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