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Marry Me Not to Social Ills

                I have never felt a kind of magnanimous excitement knowing that marriage is just around the corner. It is like I am now facing the moment wherein I will happily entangle myself with someone I love so much. The thrill spurs in knowing that that day is coming. I am now ready to stand firm with my decision to love her as I usually did and this time in a so called societal accepted manner and that is to publicly pronounce it through a ceremony.  Celebrations like these do not really matter to me as a person who looks into the essentials, because there can be no event needed when the couple just follow their hearts to keep the bond intact even if there are no legalities and or social practices. Ideally speaking I am the kind of person who would rather swear an oath to oneself and to the other under the heavens to preserve the love in pure solitude, yet I am inside a world filled with rites. The rites serves to extend the vows by letting the third parties act as witness so that the couple will be compelled to keep it under the watchful eye of society, but that goes to show that such kind of love is only made real once there are externalities to keep it in check; therefore, the couple themselves are weak to make the vows unto themselves alone.  What I am saying is that I am not against this practice, but I am just highlighting the perspective of which why this has to extend into the social sphere.  I am for it during the day of my marriage itself, but I also know that deep within both me and her, everything has already been settled and the audience is just there to watch it, not as an externality but just as a mere observer. The rite is empty when the ones who practice have no souls to begin with.

                The next struggle is to be progressive and novel amidst a society which is nailed to traditions. As someone who looks into the essentials, grandeur for me takes into a different form of which a traditionalist cannot comprehend. For them, a royal like event has to take place with all the entourage and paraphernalia. To them, what pleases the eyes makes the day soulful as if every flower they kill and every piece of fabrications are enough to claim the essence of the event.  Traditions do have their place, but needs to be checked according to context. For to follow blindly customs which serves no rationale for the respective period is just being insane and to practice such without sound reason is a hallow thing to do. I am not saying that I am against tradition, but I am saying that not at times should it be imposed upon. The traditional way of making the event something extravagant is deeply rooted into the showcasing of the economic capabilities of the parties involved of which it is a sign before to tell the other of the promise of an ensured economic standing in the society most especially when both parties expose their best during the event. I say, I do not want the event to be hijacked by some micro politics. Marriage is a sign that the couple has already come into age to take hold of their own destiny, not to be just tools for a social power play. We are not pawns to a merging of familial interest or to the invitation of supremacy of one side over the other because such crap has never been the locus of the kind of enlightened beings. I am no idolater of a vanity so vain. Thus, let this union be a union that is pure and let it not be tarnished with rotten ideals. 


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