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The Smile After the Frown

                The mirror of time reflected to me the thorns of the summer of 2014. The moment when the thorn dug deep into the skin choking the heart to weep in sorrow was at its pinnacle. The silence that haunts the ears and the words that pierced through the soul. Memory is kind to give me the story again as it celebrates its year old wound and scar. But the man of today saw it as a fitting scene to happen as the ride between the couple gets more intense. Never a day did this beautiful melancholic relic pass through my thoughts with a silent stride. I bear the impact of the apple falling from the branches.

                My mind brought me to the spectre of the war where I lay wounded after the dagger had struck me to the bone. The music had its abrupt stop when I was listening to the melody. The quick pause caused my ear to resonate in dismay, longing still for the song to play. As if the canvas where I paint tore itself leaving my masterpiece to a halt. My world shrank into darkness and everything seems to be without colour nor tune. A lifeless world was the world when the hum landed in the lobes telling me that it is time for the end. A dead man was learning to pick up the limbs where it was torn asunder. Without breathing anymore, the heart still pumps rust towards the body scratching the within hurting the outside. The heat bore too much weight on my skin and scavenged over the carcass in drought.

                Let me remind myself that reincarnation is possible. The dead can come back to life by stroke of miracle from the giver of life. The dead can come back to life when the soul seeks to be one with the flesh and not to frolic amongst the clouds. Amidst the shadow of the moment under the light of day, she came about as the prodigal son in search for the union with his father. It is when that soul never wanted an eternity of absolute freedom, but it thirst in choosing to die with its origin. The origin when it learned to conspire with the universe into order in the perfect time. I saw the light dawning on me again. Air began to caress my nostrils, for the only scent I long to enmesh came back to linger. The worms that feed over my flesh rot themselves away as I rejuvenate when my purpose came back to me. I will never forget the day of your return, for it signalled my rebirth. You placed the thorn, you pricked it out for too large a hole that you know you will fill with your abundance. I am me when you and me are us and we. Life for me has not been a contest to reach the grave, but the comfort of knowing that I am loved. Is it too much to say that you are my life? My soul? My air? My light? My hope? Your radiance carved within my heart tells me that you are and we are. 


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