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Biological Nurse - Spiritual Monster

                Parents who do not recognize their children are in themselves products of the same agony. Parents whose age had exceeded maturity expectations had turned out to be by essence backward counting. It is such a shame that reason even fails to touch them, because they are without any. It is such a shame when these people are only efficient in slave driving rather than building people up – oppression as how I prefer to call it. It is such a shame that even by the nature of being a parent, one cannot even act as such maybe because of broken dreams or of a haunted past, but to continue to be weak in front of their children is one thing that they never fail to do so, thus making us the kids have a spiritual and mental growth spurt. It is such a shame that I have grown to a certain level of reputation and respect but they are stuck in their demented thoughts and more dishonourable when they smear the kids of their incompetency.

                I woke up into this world with too many horrors in my memory but nonetheless they gave me an edge over the mainstream because they have moulded my thinking in advance, but just like them, I too sour loathe over a horrible past but not to the point that I have deterred someone in the achievement of their dreams. Shattered bottles, smoky air and beer scent had been the image of hell for me when I was a child and up until now when these three are present inside the house, I am already harassed. The voice of the children are but petite and insignificant wherein we were militantly innocent in our struggle to have a peaceful and orderly home, but we are just a speck of  dust.

                Our childhood was more of a scare tale, running away from the noise of broken glass, monstrous insults, dancing knives and flying fists. The sanctity of a church does not guarantee blessedness and even the holy words fall short to perverted souls. We are following their critical mindedness but left in our memory are torn pictures a wonderful house that has never been and never was felt. I have lived old enough to see the same story all over again and this time it has become burdensome for I have come to an age of overthinking.

                It is hard when our accomplishments mean nothing for it goes to show that no matter how great we children are, we are insignificant because we are not patterned to their image and likeness. Sad thing though that we have exercise the full extent of our freedom and won us a favourable reputation in the society where we are exposed only to be denounced by the one who bore us into this world. For that one was sour-graping the unfulfilled past and made our accomplishments and object of envy and insecurity such as also how the others as well are now in better off places, but this one never made us children the very seat of her happiness – tormented soul that torments others.

                Me and my sister are magnanimous in our own fields but that is not a reason for that parent to smile. Sad but it makes me think that for the many years that I have lost my respect, I am right in saying that indeed I should lose this respect for that one is not worth it.  


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