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Our Dream. . . . . Living the Dream. . . . . . Our Love.

They say that am I sure that she will be the one for the rest of my life? They say that things will change and maybe us both will never be until forever? They say that I am still young for it, that I am just acting upon impulse and that by a year or so that love will vanquish? Yes, people do say a lot and will stand against to those people who got everything it takes to make dreams happen. “A faithful heart makes wishes come true.” Doubts are just the product of insecurities in which we failed to give trust. We tend to over-exemplify the negative and forget to make the positive that ray of hope that we should cling on and that we should aim to make it actual. But we are different, we gave our utmost trust to each other that no one will leave and by that we know that never shall we depart. Our souls are already intertwined and are already committed into an eternity of loving and sharing the same love all throughout. Nothing like to remind ourselves that our love lives on by making each and everyday feel like the very first time we began to be love struck, touché by Cupid’s marksmanship. Sweet melody, nothing like her voice that has continued to bind the music in us that is forever ringing in rhythms. Even though we are still early but it takes a man to keep the one he loves and he loves and he stand up for his loved one, and once he loves, he really loves; and nothing like a woman who loves and shall forever love her man. Our souls are interconnected and no death can do us apart. We shall outlive every crushed dream of lovers longing for eternity and show unto them that such a beautiful love story is ever present, real and not just fiction. We ventured together even when the seas get rough, there is but the ever presence of her hand that I will hold amidst the storm and she has also  no hand like mine to stay along with. We are confident for we already know that we are forever be.  But it is society that slowly pierces unto our hearts, making us break the ever worth of envy relationship we have, because it is everybody’s dream but it is only in us that we walk together awake and living the dream. Day by day, love grows and grows and grows without ceasing, for we have nothing else to bathe than the wine of our euphoric affections. No tempest can scare our stroll by the bridge, and no storm can blow us away. As long we have each other, we hold together against all odds, or together we are brought down by it but together we rise again stronger to face more challenges that will compliment the very fact of our lives in matrimony.

This is no puppy love! We are already advanced for our age to grasp the things that are unchanging, immortal, permanent and that is love. Love not like how the people use it, hears it, or of even thinks about it, but love as how the drunk poets of God speak in tongues about, too immense to be explained and too deep to be understand but is felt by our hearts that already beat as one. I love my woman, and I forever stand by her side. We shall forever be the love we always dream of to be. We are living the dream. The dream of love, our love.


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