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Showing posts from 2012

One Beginning, No End

Cherish the moment when we have each other for all we know this is the only thing we had, we have and ever will have. The days had gone by as if they were the water that flows through the stream,   passing, noisy at times when the going gets rough and still or shall I say silent when the way is smooth. We had begun from a dry peak over the mountain, unknowingly that we filled each other’s path with water wherewith our runway was already thirsty for something, and that is Love. Rain may fill us more with life, but it is in us that we become self-sufficient, replenished by the love we both share and we shall be the river that forever runs full. Unlike the others who had a gushing start but at their end is drought, but we know and we continue to believe that we are far more superior than that and we shall never run empty! Amidst the flow we ran through many boulders that shook our ways, twisted and turned us round about, but our ever flowing grace toppled the dams that tried to make u

A Love that We Must Fight For

I am forever thankful that I have came across with the woman whom I love so dearly, that time was so kind that she came into my life unexpectedly and thus from that mysterious meet, came the sole purpose to forever keep her within my heart and nourish her with all the love I could give. I still remember the time when I fell in love with her and that soothing reply when I hear her say that she loves me too. It has been 3 months now, almost 4 and it seems that within that spec of time, a lot happened already. Love is this magic feeling wherein a small inch of time is already equivalent to years that I thought that we traveled fast through time, but only to find out it is still that small, but no matter how small it is, in my eyes and so hers too, that it seemed infinity has streamed unto us as we enjoy our love story and how much more when we really get there into the infinity and beyond. We’ve been through a lot, and the more we learn from our experience and the more we learn to b

Our Dream. . . . . Living the Dream. . . . . . Our Love.

They say that am I sure that she will be the one for the rest of my life? They say that things will change and maybe us both will never be until forever? They say that I am still young for it, that I am just acting upon impulse and that by a year or so that love will vanquish? Yes, people do say a lot and will stand against to those people who got everything it takes to make dreams happen. “A faithful heart makes wishes come true.” Doubts are just the product of insecurities in which we failed to give trust. We tend to over-exemplify the negative and forget to make the positive that ray of hope that we should cling on and that we should aim to make it actual. But we are different, we gave our utmost trust to each other that no one will leave and by that we know that never shall we depart. Our souls are already intertwined and are already committed into an eternity of loving and sharing the same love all throughout. Nothing like to remind ourselves that our love lives on by making eac

Love of Two Butterflies

Join me oh wonderful woman, my love. of the heavens you came, of the stars you shine hearken, listen to my heart as it calls your name. and let every breathe you have say my name too. now and forever we shall forever be, gliding to eternity never shall we fade, never shall we end.      as like time, forever runs along holy is our euphoric love Just whisper to me your voice over my ears I simply rejoice your sweet melody, your sweet music Beautiful and graceful you are my dear a boy like me can never resist and is contented to love you and love you alone and no other in and for ourselves do we share the mystery and of the wonder of our story needing and wanting you to be always with me come with me my butterfly and let us fly into the skies freely and young loving, learning and continue loving alas, I love you my dear. =)

Self-Reliance of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Introduction: Man is in the world and thus being immersed as so it is inevitable for him to interact with anything around him. He is surrounded with beings that he cannot help but to put some consciousness into it. As how intentionality goes that “consciousness is always conscious of something” and man having such consciousness never runs out of any object to be conscious at. Even at the point that he can think of himself as an object to his own thoughts. Man is always in a situation wherein he must respond to or even the mere act of not responding is a response itself in the form of the indifferent negative than the blunt negative of acting upon it the way how “negatively” is. At the height of existentialism, man’s role and pride has been rechecked and restored after the great historical loss that he encountered and to make it less historical and to absolutize the thought, in no matter what danger he crosses he can overcome it as long as he can conjure the power of the negatives

The Phantasm of Aristotle and the Phenomenon of Kant, Husserl, and Hegel

Philosophy has dealt so much heavily especially in the quest for truth that it has become a perpetual question and for that it remains a perpetual search because the truth is far yet from revealing or it has revealed and we are left not sufficed by it or it has been tainted by all of these prejudices we all have. The primary concern of which is in the attaining of truth in order to satisfy man’s nature that for Aristotle is his tendency to know. “Man desires to know” as what the Philosopher has said and by that man still does so, until he came to the point in time he became fascinated with everything around him that he desires to know everything, but there is a dilemma knowing that in achieving ends there is this process that follows or is behind in every achievement of ends that is needed. We cannot discount the fact that knowing is a process and truth or knowledge is the end of which and that it is this something good in knowing that makes man desire for it. But again, the end doe