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Showing posts from January, 2020

Useless Teacher

              I have been reflecting amidst my isolation from the teaching profession, and I have nothing but meager social media posts and quick conversations that can help me assess my profession’s impact. As much as I poured my heart out to the call, much of the people I came across after their meager time with me in the classroom was more of heartache rather than reaping fruits. Thus, for them, their time with me was just a passing phase in their privileged or desperate academic life. Designing minds cannot be done in a classroom because the school is just a fraction of a student’s time. A student imitates and learns more from the environment he or she is exposed to. Whether it be at home, community, or the virtual, to where they spend most of their time influences them a lot. Moreover, schools, which are synonymous to education, are but a requirement to have a job. And only a rare few can see the value of its enlightening potential.  ...