INTRODUCTION There are many versions of phenomenology that came after and surprisingly before Husserl mentioned it as his philosophy. Hegel used the term phenomenology in his Phenomenology of the Spirit yet we ponder was this the phenomenology that Husserl is stressing? Moreover, Husserls predecessors such as Kant also used the same term. Husserl embraced phenomenology and even baptized the term much later in his works for he was concerned first in creating arguments that are against the trend of psychologism during his time. Psychologism was a grand perversion of empiricism in a way that it has placed all into contingency without a way out. Most of Husserl’s early works are devoted into giving explanations against psychologism. “His preoccupation with refuting ‘naturalism’ and ‘psychologism’ is the dominant theme in the first volume of Logische Unterschungen . ” [1] Moreso, he wish to save the crisis that is looming especially that psychologism is ...
History shall continue to unfold, and my history shall end when I no longer unfold.