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Showing posts from July, 2015

An Open Letter to My Students

         As far as I am concerned, I know education is important to you, especially in investing in a good future. However, before even going further, let us clarify first what you mean by education and a good future. As a teacher, I too was once like you. I suffered under hectic schedules, deadlines, mind-twisting examinations and long hours of listening to lectures; typically, your academic life. Seeing you today made me think of the very problem in our nation nowadays, and that most of you are unaware of such a dilemma because society was clever enough to numb you.      It is an undeniable fact how our educational institutions molded us to become the best memorizers and imitators of already existing things. Intelligence now has become a showcase of how fluent your English is, or how many terminologies you can sink into your head. Diction has become the standard of your being educated, and empty words have become the badge of your genius; hence, it deeply shows how problema