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Showing posts from May, 2014

Newly Found Virtue: Prudently Silent

                Arguments have their place whether be it in the academe, politics, social issues these powerful mind boggling language statements are given much credit as a show of intellectual prowess. Yet these mental exercises are crucial to the development of science, technology, history, literature, philosophy and many more of the disciplines created by man in his conquest for truth and exercise of reason. Man is competitive and wishes to dominate and that is why there is the need to devise impenetrable logical schemes to win over the other and later on will be the maxim to be followed. Yet, reason and its arrogance also have a downfall especially when one goes towards in handling a woman. Yes, we always experience the tensions between lovers when reason will be at play and amongst boys we listen to reason, but to women it is a different game.                 Consider this as an account of my experience with my betrothed. It is already instilled in me the ideas of settling d