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Showing posts from March, 2014

My Classroom Set-Up and the Habermasian Hypothesis

Introduction             Communication is one vital element that keeps society intact or disintegrated.  It is by means of this that we came into relations with one another. We cannot help but communicate with one another because man is a social animal, and he needs to relate with others. Not only that, but he is also a rational animal wherein he is capable of reasoning and thoughts translated into air vibrations are what we call words and are the basic element in communication. Communication undeniably plays an important role in society.             When man first came into speech, he has no other objective in hand than to be understood by the other.  He needs to speak what he has in his head and there is the need for it since thoughts are only privative to the one who experiences but one wishes to share the same with the other. Sooner as communication then developed, so too has society developed; and as evidence of its marvel, here we have a modern society that has a bloom i

Is Zhuangzhi a Relativistic Skeptic?

          Before proceeding we need to understand first what Relativistic Sceptic is. Relativistic scepticism contains two different terms that is in need of inquiry i.e. relativism and scepticism. What is Relativism? Relativism is contrary to that of any ideas that champions a single truth. It is a discipline that accepts the plurality of truth gained and plurality is made possible due to the right of an individual’s claim over the truth he arrived at in his own dilemma. Relativism pays heed to the particular instance of an individual’s capacity to claim truth coming from his standpoint i.e. of his own experience and manner of thinking. Scepticism is about the suspension of truth and the arrival of it through perpetual doubt cast by the contingency of things due to reality as flux as how it appears to the senses. A relativistic sceptic is a person or a template of which there is the recognition of the plurality of truth yet in that plurality he remains dubious of any claims to truth