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Showing posts from December, 2012

One Beginning, No End

Cherish the moment when we have each other for all we know this is the only thing we had, we have and ever will have. The days had gone by as if they were the water that flows through the stream,   passing, noisy at times when the going gets rough and still or shall I say silent when the way is smooth. We had begun from a dry peak over the mountain, unknowingly that we filled each other’s path with water wherewith our runway was already thirsty for something, and that is Love. Rain may fill us more with life, but it is in us that we become self-sufficient, replenished by the love we both share and we shall be the river that forever runs full. Unlike the others who had a gushing start but at their end is drought, but we know and we continue to believe that we are far more superior than that and we shall never run empty! Amidst the flow we ran through many boulders that shook our ways, twisted and turned us round about, but our ever flowing grace toppled the dams that tried to make u

A Love that We Must Fight For

I am forever thankful that I have came across with the woman whom I love so dearly, that time was so kind that she came into my life unexpectedly and thus from that mysterious meet, came the sole purpose to forever keep her within my heart and nourish her with all the love I could give. I still remember the time when I fell in love with her and that soothing reply when I hear her say that she loves me too. It has been 3 months now, almost 4 and it seems that within that spec of time, a lot happened already. Love is this magic feeling wherein a small inch of time is already equivalent to years that I thought that we traveled fast through time, but only to find out it is still that small, but no matter how small it is, in my eyes and so hers too, that it seemed infinity has streamed unto us as we enjoy our love story and how much more when we really get there into the infinity and beyond. We’ve been through a lot, and the more we learn from our experience and the more we learn to b