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Showing posts from July, 2012

The Mission

When I was yet a student, I loved it so much when we talked about social issues and what we can speculate to do as remedies for such incidents. Everything then was filled with fantasy, for the eager child in me, who have created the utmost fanaticism of servitude to society by any means was always tickled. The speculation had brought me into a world where every social reformer could ever dream of. I was then at the moment of sanctity, but the time has come for me to become finally part of the theorizing. What we used to talk about inside the luxury of the ivory tower, inside the four-walled receptacle, has now become my four-walled dilemma. I can still talk about it, but not just mere talk I am referring to, but a talk coming from firsthand experience. I have now encountered what I speculated so deviously before and not only encountered but I have become part of the system. Although the system is faulty and problematic, that could never call me to a halt when it comes to the princi

Vengeance Only in Thought

My heart blackens as days go by after my downfall. It became stone as it ceased to take blood and when blood eventually left it. Better if it be removed from my chest and be locked up in a box and be thrown into the sea and let it sink down to the depths, farthest from any capacity of man’s reach so that it will never be found again. All has become too pointless, too confusing, that this heart that causes life be also the cause of severe pain, that it deserves to be hid from all of eternity. Cursed and petrified, for it chose to wander towards joys that are not eternal and mistake them to be ideal, yet the false hopes is tearing it apart. Let it be cut brutally, torn asunder, perpetually detached from my body,  Huitzilopochtli!   Let it be for the sun that will help grow a thousand crops rather than being useless to follow useless passions that thrives in contingency. Let this dead heart be useful for higher passions and or pleasures rather than to foolishly blind itself with wonder

I, the Dreamer

Dream is the best thing left to a bereft man if someone so dear to him is too far, just to bring that someone dear near. It is where the horizons of thought and reality converge to bring a temporary delusion; making things feel so real at a moment, just enough to comfort the lonely soul and severe depression to find out the illusion the moment it is over. It is either the dream is the feeling of missing the events of the past by repeating it in virtuality or a creative dream that fantasizes the achievements of a seemingly impossible goal. In any case, it creates an easement to someone who misses his dearly beloved. However, the tangible is better or the best, nothing like the 'concrete' wrapped in his arms. But then again, in moment of being asundered in tangibility, dreaming is the only thing left to make it real. Why then does he dream? Firstly, he misses the object by making it the subject in his dream and secondly, it is the soul's language to speak off its goals. Th

The Final Show of 2011. . . 2011 the year that we cheer.

"Such we are made of, such we be." -          William Shakespeare In a room during the auditions I was asked, “Why should I join cheerdance?” and I replied, “ I like it”, later on I learn to love it. I like it and I choose to be a part of it. Cheerdance is for the passionate, and such we are made of, we are made of passion and such we be, the manifestation of passion – cheerdance. The passion arouses us to become dreamers and dreamers had become the dancers striving for that dream. Yes, the dream was partly the glory, the trophy and the crowd’s applause, but what lies beneath is the dream to know ourselves. The identity that is longing to be found through the dance, and we dared to make it known in public, letting almost anybody in our way to know that we are searching for our identity, and that is to be free people. Free to enter the game, free to take everything whatever goes within our utmost capacities, free to show ourselves that we are free. Free people act th


The memory of mid-June, walking down towards the spot in a field, suprisingly meeting some familiar faces and on the verge of encountering new ones is superb. From the vantage point of mid-August, that was just magical since the purpose of that decisive step took its toll; but from the vantage point of mid-June, it was a crucial decision to make and to take. Dancing is a part of my life and from that moment I took the liberty to revisit my passion that has rested when I settled in college. I am not that good, neither am I good at all, but I have the commitment and the heart for it. It was the most timely event that happened to me, since I have a few courses to take and more time to be creative. I found the joy of having extended my horizon, met new faces that soon memory takes hold and will endure for eternity. The joy of sweat, discipline and movement tickles me to the marrow of my bones. Then after the glorious feeling to be led, especially to those to whom I gave my utmost tr

Collections of Filipino Philosophy Essays

The Filipino ‘Simba Ko’, what was it to ‘Simba’ and the Reflection of Filipino Being: Christianity taught us to be a lot more critical when it comes to beliefs and Christianity being forced upon many of the colonies back then tends to annihilate the religion existing in the area after it reaches the shores, especially in the Philippines. Before any foreign (western) invasion, the Filipinos are not legally born in European terms nor was there any because the land  they were standing upon was a melting pot of different races enjoying a happy trade with each other, especially with the Chinese. The Filipinos have their brand of religion and that was the same with other religions that Christianity laid its sword upon. It was a belief of nature as a being divine. The Filipinos were deemed “pagan” for they worship rocks and trees, but they were “pagan” actually because they were simply not Christians. The Filipinos, dubbed as Asians, follow the non-dualist trend wherein dichotomies are

Aristotle's Metaphysics: On Causality

Introduction:             There are many things that man has already become so familiar with wherein he tends not to search deeper onto these as it will seem peculiar. One could ask “how come my coffee is hot?” The simple experience coming from the hotness of coffee is something that we are all too familiar, and yet by further investigation, Chemistry has that wicked way of confusing our heads on tackling the word “heat”. Simple things have a complex structure but the fluidity and the harmony of the complex makes it look like its simple. A typical instance would be just like watching a football game wherein an ordinary spectator can enjoy the simplicity of the game while the players are already battling it all out themselves on the field. Questioning the familiar is part of the task of the philosopher and one in particular was Aristotle. He proposed the primacy of experience in order to recognize things as they were and the use science (abstraction) to know why these thin