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  Last 2012, there were hearts on fire that both had their first shared flame in an unlikely place. I was thirsty for love coming from being dormant while she was searching for a redemption from a series of broken hearts. Both struggled to find their place. Both trying to live their lives free from the hideous chains of a dark home. I must admit that I fell for her beauty and add to that, her care. As we both clasped our hands, it was a committed long shot to have the perfect rest for our hearts. It was a bit strange to have an affair under the noses of all that is forbidden both profession and a line of faith. Nothing was wrong as long both were in the ecstasy of love – no malice, no foul play, no trespassing of wills. That moment was a perfect episode in a romantic film – one where young love sprang amidst treacherous circumstances. We lived through the happiness of newfound belongingness and the battle of keeping that alive. 4 years before the wedlock were filled with ups and do
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What School?

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                Religion is a vital component in society as it bears the collective expression of its morality, identity, and goals. However, it has faced challenges in an ever-growing secularized world wherein its authority and relevance are placed on the pedestal as it is continuously challenged to make sense i.e., religion must be rationalizable. [1] Christianity is one religion that needs to make its place in the modern world as Paul Ricoeur noted that it is experiencing hiding behind the liturgies and with its preoccupation with tradition. [2] Moreover, critiques are launched towards religion especially at the height of modernity when the likes of Nietzsche, Marx, and Feuerbach issued their aggressive denunciative critiques. [3] (Especially on the Christian tradition of which can be done the same with other religions as well.) Regardless of all the bombardments coming from secularization, Habermas does not rule out religion; rather, he sees it as reservoir of ideas that shaped


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