The School of Athens , a fresco by the Italian Renaissance Raphael, shows Western Philosophy’s iconic figures, namely Plato and Aristotle. The two giants in the academy are surrounded by people who are either engaging with each other through discussions or listening attentively to the great two. Trivially, this painting can be seen in our ordinary classrooms— a mere sight of disorder. But one must ask these questions: “Do our schools have the same spirit?” “Do our schools engender an environment for the growth of authentic discourse? How does the school appear to the common students and their respective parents? It is already embedded in society that school is a gateway to employment. Students and parents alike see school as a ticket to a job; thus, a strong necessity to finish even in the most complacent and mediocre path possible. By Raphael - Stitched together from, Public Domain, ...
History shall continue to unfold, and my history shall end when I no longer unfold.