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Showing posts from November, 2017

Seeds from the Ashes

                Nature has her ways to do a facelift. Her course is violent. To create a homeostasis coming from too much carbon footprints needs to have catastrophe. The catalyst brings chaos, the catalyst is chaos and as every night that passes by comes the dawn, just like every storm that brings tranquility also is forest fire to new life. The wheel that governs birth and rebirth must have suffering in between, at worst death. Pain and joy are indeed two sides of the same coin and in this case we always hearken to joy as the consequent and the last. A moment’s triumph is felt in its prime after a monumental struggle. These are inexorable laws of nature and I am bound by such determinism.                 A perfect family does not exist. Error should be an outcome coming from an incapacity that is not willed but allowed since it is beyond control. However, to amply choose the devil’s card as one’s fate, role in life that is one selfless act as it defiles oneself for the wisdom of