Everyday, I always have something to do, but behind the routine and the rest of the work, there is her exceptional presence in me that makes me feel so inspired every time, no matter what. There is no other woman like her because she is not only a woman, but the angel that is meant for me. Keeping me close to her illuminating love, that emanates profusely and I, being wrapped around her arms, feels the glimmering radiance that perpetually warms my heart. As I touch her divine skin, I felt the magic within me, such as the feeling of my spirit shaking in ecstasy and of my heart beating unceasingly and quick like it is more than alive. The simple of all simple joys came unto me and chose me to be at her care, and I too chose her to be my angel for which I too must protect. Remember that always, I will love you for all of eternity and to break the vows of marriage, I therefore say “no death can do us apart.” The world simply did its part to make us fall into place to forever share a ...
History shall continue to unfold, and my history shall end when I no longer unfold.